From small ideas big things have grown.

For most Australians the process of gaining a drivers licence is relatively uneventful.

It marks a milestone in our personal development and is an enabler of independence – it opens the door to our possibilities as an adult. Typically young people across the nation apply at 16, become learner drivers and progress from provisional licences to full licences without substantial difficultly.

Imagine if this was not your reality. Imagine your life without a driver’s licence. For many Aboriginal and disadvantaged people of every demographic this is their everyday challenge.

ACE Community Colleges in Lismore designed and implemented the Driver Education program to specifically assist Aboriginal people to become licensed, legal and safe drivers. It has been an outstanding success since its inception in 2003. Winning many awards, funding support and State recognition all of which has enabled our ability to expand the program further into regional NSW.

We are privileged to have had the guidance and wisdom of Vale Uncle Bucky Robinson who believed that a drivers licence gives a person their independence and access to life opportunities including education and employment. ACE takes this important moment to acknowledge and applaud the work of Uncle Bucky as a founding force for Driver Education.